Saturday 29 September 2012

And I failed

So last post I was all 'I am going to do this tomorrow' well, it did not happen. 
When it comes to the library I say I am going to go but I don't. 
Instead I was tv and stay in bed

Friday 21 September 2012

Monogram Academic Book Covers

So tomorrow my main goal will be to print off monogram covers for my folders and notebook for my last year at university. I will be using For Chic Sake instructions and downloadable's to do this. I am also wanting to print off some Lilly Pulitzer prints for covers as well.
Hopefully this will go swimmingly well (haha)

For Chic Sake is an amazing website that produce printable's for people to customise and use for themselves. There is also many DIY articles and many lifestyle and fashion posts. I love this website as the printable are great quality and are free! 

I will definitely update you on the covers and show you how it goes!

Hol x

Tuesday 18 September 2012


Here are a few of my favourite things
High End Make up Brand - Benefit
High Street Make up Brand - Revlon
Colour -  Pink 
Print - Animal
Scent - Anything tropical
Food - Subway, Pizza, Pasta (the list could go on)
Drink - Sweet Iced Tea
Restaurant - Olive Garden
TV Show - The Office (US) Gilmore Girls, Criminal Minds
Holiday - Disney World
Clothing - PJs, furry ones
Animal - Dogs/Cats, cant pick
Place - My bed

Thursday 13 September 2012

Autumn is here ...

So it is that time of year again, where we swap our shorts and sun dresses (if you're lucky) for boots and chunky knits. I love this time of year, where the colours change, hot chocolate is a daily drink and the anticipation of halloween and christmas becomes clearer each day.
Here is my list of essentials for this wintery season

Get your moneys worth, buy a good quality pair that can last for a few winters. Buy either in the sales, post christmas/spring or end of summer when the shops get them restocked. Don't necessarily go for the most stylish or hip styles by next winter you might not like them or feel 'dated'. With Wellingtons you can go two ways, either fun patterns or plain block colours. Its a personal choice, I have had both. Go with what you like. I have had pink glittery ones and currently own pale blue Hunters. BUT look out for bargains, I got my Hunters from Office shoes fro £35. AND remember to buy some warms socks, keep your tootsies warm!

Two options here. You can buy a set, and keep the look uniform, or go a bit crazy and mix and match. Personally I like to mix and match, I will generally buy a new set of HS&G every year as well as having some older ones, because at some point I will lose half of them. I will normally go for more neutral scarves, a cute/fun hat and colourful gloves. Again Primark and Forever 21 are great for these and normally do a few styles. This year I have a grey handmade scarf (thanks mum) last years cream bear hat and red snowflake printed fingerless gloves.

I love buying coats a little too much, but I am a firm believer in 'the more coats the better'. You can easily have a coat for Autumn and a coat for winter and a jacket for each aswell. At the moment I have a light parka for those days where the weather is not too bad and you are wearing layers, which at university I need to do. But for those blustery rain days a good thick coat is NEEDED. Jackets, leather or blazers are great for quick trips out or if you drive. I would suggest try on a few different coats and buying a size bigger incase you need to layer.

Buy jumpers, cardigans and sweaters. Any colour or patterns can be adorable in the winter. Strong neutral colours can be as wearable as neon and pastels in winter. Knits can keep you warm and snug whether you are at home, school or work. Wearing a sweater over a white shirt is a great outfit for work and a chunky jumper over a tank is great for university.

Always Hol x

Monday 3 September 2012

How to make yourself feel better ...

So today I had to go to the dentist. 
And I HATE the dentist. I really have had the worst time with my teeth, 2 operations, 5 tooth removals and 7 years of braces. Yes, obviously some people have it worse but for me it become this emotional issue. The lovely Dr A, who has dealt with me for about 2 years and did both my operation, has been so good with me. He even told me to go and get sedatives from the normal doctor. But when I got back from the dentist, where I had burst into tears before I had even had my local anaesthetic, I felt awful, both physically and mentally. And I did some things to make me feel better or as right as rain!
So here is my list of things that help me feel better, whether I am feeling poorly or just down in the dumps.

1. Take a nap, even if it is just for 30 minutes
2. Eat your favourite foods even break your diet
3.Watch a movie or a tv show
3. Dance, ok maybe not if you feel ill but if your feel sad it can do wonders
4. Phone a friend, a friendly voice and random chats can take your mind off anything
5. Cute animals, internet people, pictures and videos or a real life pet
6. Colour in, seriously, it take you back to being a kid and its its fun

If you have any other ways you make yourself feel better comment below!

Always, Hol x

Sunday 2 September 2012

Get to know me TAG

1. Are you named after anyone?  Well, my Mum saw the name after watching a TV show with the actress Holly Aird, and really liked it. Also she wanted a name you can't shorten. However most people (including my Mum) call me Hol
2. When was the last time you cried? Last night, I cry all the time. I am just an emotional person. Once cried over the fact I had no light mayo! Maybe I'm just crazy...
3. Do you have kids? No. But I do have furrbabies and a God Daughter
4. If you were another person, would you be a friend of yourself? Proably. But no doubt I would get annoyed!
5. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Too much. People some times think I am being mean! Not good.
6. Will you ever bungee-jump? I honestly don't know. I'd like to, but it terrifies me
7. What's your favorite cereal? Coco Pops
8. What's the first thing you notice about people? Their accent. 
9. What is your eye colour? Blue.
10. Scary movie or happy endings? Happy endings. NOT a fan of scary films.
11. Favorite smells? Sweets. Passion Fruit. And Jimmy Choo perfume.
12. Summer or winter? The one with less rain! haha, I live in the North of England, at the seaside so it rains ALL the time!!
13. Computer or television? Computer, I can watch TV on it!
14. What's the furthest you've ever been from home? Australia, Perth. But I lived in America for 9 months straight so it seemed further away.
15. Do you have any special talents? I can recite Legally Blonde and Little Miss Sunshine
16. Where were you born? UK, England
17. What are your hobbies? TV, reading, shopping, crafting! Skyping my friends.
18. Do you have any pets? Yes, 2 Dogs and 2 Cats. Genie, Cassie, Sooty and Olive.
19. Favorite movie? Too long to list all of them. Legally Blonde, Little Miss Sunshine. Mary Poppins. Any animated Disney/Pixar film
20. Do you have any siblings? No.
21. What do you want to be when you grow up? Happy in what ever I am doing, whatever that is.

Always Hol x

Miss Selfridge : Day and Night

Miss Selfridge happens to be one of my favourite shops, the diverse styles sold, great sizing and good quality of clothing prove that it is one of the best hidden gems on the high street. Yes, the prices can be high but the clothes are of a greater quality and last so long. And the shoes, oh the shoes, AMAZING!

So here are my  Day and  Night looks.

Great for shopping with friends or a day out

Girls night out, cocktails!

How do you like these looks?

Always, Holly x
P.s. Can you tell I like animal print!!

Saturday 1 September 2012

First Post

So what to expect from 'Friday's Girl'
to be honest
I have no idea

No doubt outfit of the days and style posts.
(Loving Autumn style)
Maybe some pintrest recipes/ideas/crafts
^haha don't know what advice I can give
Things I'm liking currently
Random 'guess what happened to me today'
& cute pictures of everything and anything

*Just so you know, I'm real bad at technology, please don't expect much